Outrageous theories about fake alien comprachicos kids distract us from the reality of things like Tuskegee, indigenous "boarding schools", and even the flashier MKUltra.

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Naturally the date of Rumsfeld's announcement has inspired the conspiracy theorists, even though an op like 9/11 would have taken days at LEAST for even the Illuminati to arrange, not 24 hours. And it also spawned the "missing trillions" conspiracy theory which is clearly more BS designed to distract us.

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I like imagining that bush did 9/11 but nobody told Rummy as a joke.

The evening of 9/11:

Rummy: wow, I can't believe this all happened today.

Cheney: why not? We made it happen.

Rummy: what?

Cheney: sure. Controlled demolition, some holograms. Easy stuff.

Rummy: what.

Cheney: we needed an excuse to invade Iraq.

Rummy: well, sure but I literally called the joint chiefs communists yesterday.

Cheney: sounds like a you problem.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Stephen from Trenchant Edges


Though, while I consider it possible that some US officials Let It Happen[tm], I feel certain Dubya was not among them, chiefly because of his expression when he was told. Basically, that was a member of the Illuminati learning the Freemasons had outmaneuvered him.

(Just using those terms as a convenience.)

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