Digging the Children’s lit on this list, now that I have a two-year old and been diving back into these books. It’s neat to look at them with an adult perspective, seeing what’s good, what’s problematic, what’s deep and what’s shallow.
Goodnight Moon is a fucking masterpiece. It’s currently getting read about 4-5x a week in this house. Beautifully post-modern.
And as long as we’re discussing Seuss, I want to plug Yertle the Turtle. I didn’t remember anything but the title from when I was a kid, but it’s a straight-up labor parable. Teach your two-year-old about unions.
Digging the Children’s lit on this list, now that I have a two-year old and been diving back into these books. It’s neat to look at them with an adult perspective, seeing what’s good, what’s problematic, what’s deep and what’s shallow.
Goodnight Moon is a fucking masterpiece. It’s currently getting read about 4-5x a week in this house. Beautifully post-modern.
And as long as we’re discussing Seuss, I want to plug Yertle the Turtle. I didn’t remember anything but the title from when I was a kid, but it’s a straight-up labor parable. Teach your two-year-old about unions.
Yeah, I kinda want to get into kids books. It's pretty cool trying to take complex topics and address them in ways kids can pick up on.