I enjoyed this a lot! I like having sort of a digest format on a set of related stuff like this. Makes me want to dig deeper.

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I was unaware that Bill was the ideological origin point for some of today’s most popular conspiracy brokers. I have run across Nancy, both through my own UFO research period and again, later, via the pagan community, but immediately rejected what, to me, immediately reeked of self aggrandizing delusion with a side of fleecing the rubes. I had bigger and more interesting myth/theological fish to fry. I appreciate having a review of their condensed ideology so that I can become more familiar with how they affected those who followed them without wading through a lot of literature that I find unrewarding and frustrating. I DO enjoy learning about alternate perspectives on reality, even those that clearly only exist in one mind (perhaps especially those) but the evangelical and commercial aspects that such enterprises like Bill and Nancy’s tend to display distress me and, since I’m not actually interested in converting, I have little interest in wading through dogma and sales pitches to get the snippets of world building and character development that flesh out their fantasies. Plus I enjoy how you tie their actions into the sociopolitical milieu of the time, and now. So, thank you for that.

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