To be honest this by itself sounds like one-sided rhetorical piece for me. Why ? Because dude named Lev Mukhametov (now dead) used his name and position to directly turn (invasive) research station into commercal operation for selling captive dolphins. Because Lous Herman never admitted ge was wrong when it come to incident in 1977 involving two captive dolphins Puka and Kea rleased by Kenneth LeVasseur and friends. Because "teh academia" just happy to churn out ammunition for ruling class be it State or Capitalusm. Because "they" do not even give a frank about possibility all their foluants at some point might be rendered useless if current technobarbarism reached its absolute liw point.

Ah, and Milgram's experiment still funny curiocity for students, not pressing danger.

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Good news: There's a follow up from the opposite perspective coming up.

Keep in mind, Academics are just people and plenty of them are shit. And modern academia literally only exists because the state wanted better weapons.

If more fringe folks gave a shit about that latter point, I'd be more sympathetic.

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Well put! There's a lot of value in not reflexively eschewing the mainstream point of view and understanding where your knowledge gaps lie.

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