1 Comment

Hiii, so I was here from the beginning and it was rollercoaster, big start, then stagnation and then glorious May & June. I'm still as happy to receive your mails as I was a year ago, so that says something. And you're still not mad at me for commenting in my broken English, what is great. You not being mad, I mean.

If anyone wants to know where to start, here is list of top Trenchedges hits by random person from internet! From newest to oldest, it's just easier that way.

-Did Herman Mellvile do DMT?

-McLuhan's Core Insight

-Fish and water

-Why you should read moby dick

-Print as a media, conspiracy as inidividualism

-Space processor

-Who's Massaging my Medium?

-Reflections on Far-Right Propaganda

-UFOs: The Cosmic Rorschach test (wow, four in a row)

-OK, So I Lied About There Not Being an Email Today (about UFO again)

-Just Who is this Terence McKenna guy?

-FAQ and The Experiment at La Chorrera pt 1

-Terence Mckenna, Colonialism, and *Lightning Crash* Cultural Appropriation

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