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May 3, 2021Liked by Stephen from Trenchant Edges

First, I'm really glad you wrote.

Second, I think that's a right turn you just did. I don't know why are you so obsessed with writing long-ass posts (and hurting yourself that way), like, no one else want that. Take it easy, man.

You still can write on IAPCWE without hurting yourself that much (or so I think), and you could totally use some of this energy to write something short here. Anything, really, because right now most important thing is to create habit, for you - writing there, and for us - reading it.

And if it stresses you out to write only about one specific thing, you can totally make some shitpost about those proposed topic from the list you posted a while ago. Not a massive investigation, just some introduction to this topic, it would still be fun.

Anyway, glad to have you back.

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